American Waters

In 2002 Alex Kirkbride decided he wanted “an immense creative challenge”. He set out on a three-year journey across the United States with his producer and partner Hazel Todd, living together in an Airstream trailer and travelling 108,000 miles to photograph underwater images from every state. The result is a collection of 150 imaginative photographs depicting the amazing variety and astonishing beauty of underwater worlds unseen by most people in their lifetime.

“He uses boundless imagination and a keen eye to peel back the surface and expose a world that is beautiful, bizarre and wonderfully unexpected. …A new and very surprising view of America, from the bottom up.” David Doubilet

“One of the most innovative underwater photography books I’ve ever seen.”
Eric Cheng, editor of Wetpixel magazine.

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“Lychgate is a garden of exceptional quality. Alex Kirkbride’s photographs capture its essence and convey its unique atmosphere in ways that words could never match.

Mesmerising close ups of individual flowers and stunning landscapes illustrate the breadth of style and colour the garden has to offer. Alex’s affection for Lychgate comes across loud and clear as he returns to photograph the garden in every season and all weathers.

Above all Kirkbride celebrates this quintessentially English garden and enables us all to share in its magic.”

Rachel De Thame
Horticulturalist and Broadcaster

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